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About Us
The Perfect Company for Human Resources Development for Employment was established with a license (797) since 2009. It has become one of the distinguished companies in employing qualified Egyptian cadres, whether inside or outside Egypt. During that period in the labor market, the company was able to gain the confidence of its customers and attract many distinguished companies in all industrial fields. And commercial, service and medical, to meet the companies of the human cadres required to work for them.
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شركة في منتهي الامانة تحياتي
مي حلمي
انا سافرت معاهم وبجد شركة مخلصة بكل وعودها
مراد سعد
كامل تحياتي لشركة بيرفكت
Why Us
Provide all appropriate means
For those in the process of testing and selecting the required cadres, whether by providing accommodation in the best hotels
Excellent services
We provide you with an excellent service after the selection process for individuals
The right people to work for you as the company does the work
A special follow-up system for each company
Send weekly reports
Weekly reports are sent including the position of the candidates
Who have been selected and the steps of the recruitment process and connecting these individuals to their work
Success Partners